Welcome to the Bsquare Support Center. Here you will find the resources you need to answer questions, contact a support representative, or provide feedback.
Support for SquareOne Trial
If you are a SquareOne customer (or using the system through our free trial) and require assistance or have questions, please email us at technical.support@bsquare.com with a concise description.
Response To Your Support Response
When any type of support request is submitted an email confirmation will be mailed to you and a Bsquare Customer Support Representative will be notified. A SquareOne Customer Support team will respond to your question within 1 business day.
If you need to add further information to your support request later, simply "Reply" with your new information to the latest email you received from SquareOne Support, and your request will be updated.
Information to Provide
When submitting a request for support, please relay as much information to assist our team, including the following information, if possible.
- What issues are you experiencing
- Date and time (with time zone) that the issue occurred
- What systems are impacted: SquareOne Companion, SquareOne Agent, or the SquareOne Registration Server
- Error messages that you have received. Screenshots are appreciated!
- Environment or system logs
- Steps to replicate the issue
- Any other information you have that will be beneficial
Escalating a Problem
If your issue is urgent, such as a platform outage, severe application slowdown, or hosting issue, and requires and immediate response, you can escalate your request as follows:
- Email technical.support@bsquare.com with a description of your problem and preferred contact method in the email.
- Once you’ve received the confirmation email from Bsquare, reply to that email with the word UrgentTicket in plain text, without any format changes.
- Once your ticket has been escalated, a Bsquare Support representative will be notified immediately and will respond as quickly as possible.
Support for Other Bsquare Products
If you need support with a different Bsquare product, please refer to our general Support page.